Friday, September 5, 2014

Lightened up Beef and Broccoli

Lightened up Beef and Broccoli!

I don't even look at the menu on the very rare occasion that we go out for Chinese.  I know I am getting beef and broccoli!  The problems with this, is that we live in the middle of nowhere, in Northern Wisconsin, with no local Chinese restaurants.  Another problem, is the heavy, unhealthy sauce!  I had to come up with a solution!  This is when I discovered the secret...  Oyster sauce!  This recipe is so unbelievably quick and simple, and has all the flavors, without the thick, fatty sauce!

Start with chopping away!  I like to buy the beef pre-sliced, but you can buy a chuck roast, freeze it for a few minutes, and slice as thin as possible, it takes a bit of skill!  For the veggies, I like to toss in about 3 times the veggies as the volume of meat.  I used broccoli in small florets, thin baby carrots, or carrots cut in disks, sugar snap peas, cut lengthwise, 1 onion, sliced thinly, and 2 garlic cloves.  Also get your sauces in reach, you will need oyster sauce, and soy sauce.

Sear the meat in a pan over high heat, with 2 teaspoons canola oil.  Toss it in the pan without salt, and let it sit 5 minutes.

Turn the beef once, then add the onions.  Toss around, just until the onions start to cook.

Add all the veggies, and toss to cook about 5 minutes, just long enough until they begin to brighten in color.  You want the end product to still be crispy.

Add about 4 turns of the pan of soy sauce, and 2 Tablespoons of oyster sauce, and cook while tossing for about 5 minutes.  The veggies will start to let off a bit of their water, and it will create a light sauce.  At the restaurants, they use about twice the sauce, and thicken with corn starch, but I get all the same flavor cooking it this way!

I love to serve this with my light fried rice!  It is so filling, flavorful, and satisfying, and the best part?  You can eat it in the comfort of your own home!  Enjoy!

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